SlipTest have been busy putting together lots of content for their new YouTube Channel, with the goal of helping people to understand and manage all things slip risk!

The channel looks at everything from the slip testing equipment we use, such as the Pendulum or the SlipAlert and how they work, to the reasons why you should slip test and the personal liability you could face.

We have also recreated some practical scenarios to demonstrate how various contaminants left behind on the floor might appear visually when carrying out your cleaning regime.  This is to help you recognise for yourself when cleaning if there is potentially, an otherwise invisible slip risk, empowering you to proactively manage the slip risk.  If nothing else, use it as a prompt to pick up the phone to SlipTest for some advice on what you are seeing.

Look out for the sneak peek video at one of our Slip Risk Awareness Training sessions.

The idea of the SlipTest YouTube Channel is to build an information bank for our customers to be able to expand their knowledge around slip risk and use the information to help proactively manage and reduce the risks as well as allowing customers to further understand, what SlipTest can offer over and above your own measures.

If there is anything you would like to see explained on our channel, then please do drop us a line on our contact form and we will try and produce some content for you.

Here is one of our more recent videos looking at some typical autumnal contaminants. 

Don’t forget to ‘like and subscribe!’

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    Did you know?

    So far this year slips have cost society at least:



    of all accidents to the public are slips and trips.