
Beaumont Shopping Centre Case Study


Slip testing identified a significant difference between the texture of the original floor and the specific area of external paving. The technician noted it was becoming smooth over time which was reducing the co efficient of friction with results deteriorating at every test. This was especially a problem when wet which caused great concern, given it was an external area.

The problem was identified as being caused in part by the cleaning regime – Wire brushes were being used which was creating the smooth surface.


There were a possible 2 solutions to the problem, firstly replace the flooring or secondly to regrind the existing flooring. After discussions with the management of the shopping centre, scabbling was undertaken, a process where ball bearings are shot at the floor to rough the floor surface, helping to prolong the life of the flooring.

The cleaning regime was also addressed to ensure the problem didn’t continue.


The wet results improved by 47%.

They had been showing a moderate risk of slip prior to scabbling, but this was rapidly getting worse with every test. After the changes made the results now sit comfortably within in the low risk of slip category.

Not only did this Centre see an improvement in results the solution chosen saved a costly floor replacement.

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    Did you know?

    So far this year slips have cost society at least:



    of all accidents to the public are slips and trips.